Rebel presents their new Monday Motivation series where Co-Founder Alan Donegan gives you a new motivating tip to get you through the work week. This week, Alan teaches you a rule he uses which helps him get any task done efficiently.
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Welcome to Monday morning motivation, which is a series videos from us the Popup Business School for you to help you get going and get more done in your weeks. Today’s video is all about starting, sometimes the hardest part of any task is starting. Once you’ve started, it gets easier, you get going, you get more done. So here’s something that’s worked for me in the past. And it’s called the 15 Minute Rule. What I want you to do is set a contract with yourself or an agreement with yourself that you will start and you have permission to stop after 15 minutes. If you’re not into it, if you’re not enjoying it, if the mood hasn’t hit you, then you have permission to stop after 15 minutes. Sometimes, that’s all I need to get going. And what I have found quite often is once I’ve started 15 minute comes and goes and I’m into the task and I just go to like complete it. But I needed that permission to be able to stop to be able to start and if you’re not enjoying it, then you must stop, stop. And sometimes even if you just did 15 minutes a day, you would make the progress you need to make. So the 15 Minute Rule is an agreement with yourself. You have permission to stop after 15 minutes once you’ve started. So just start today, making things happen and use the 15 Minute Rule to make it easier to get going.