This is your sign
To earn money doing what you love.
Can’t attend our Live Watford course? We’ve got you covered.
We’ve gathered three of our favourite sessions for you to watch at a time that suits you.
It’s time to start thinking like a rebel, let us show you a new way of starting up.
> On Demand
> Watford Residents
> Free to Attend
Choose Your Session
Got loads of ideas? Having trouble choosing the right one? We’ve got you.
Ready to think like a Rebel?
Get your free ticket for our Live Watford Course
In my first six months of business, I had six different clients and had three more secured for next year!
Attending the Rebel Business School changed everything for me and kickstarted my small business idea. I learnt that I need to put myself forward and continuously network for work you never know where you will find next client.
– Iulia Costinescu, Virtual Assistant
Our Partners
We work with partners across the country so that we can give the course away for free.
Watford Borough Council has funded this event which enables us to give our course away to all making it the first truly accessible business support.
No one has EVER paid to attend a Rebel Business School anywhere in the world.
This means our sole effort is put into making sure that you get the most out of the course and that you get the results you need.