Top 10 Ways to Grow Your Business

Henry and Alan countdown Ten Great Ways to continue to grow your business.

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You’ve decided to start a business, you want to get going, you’ve thought about your product and your idea. The first task you’ve got is how do you find customers? How do you find people to sell to to trade with? How do you build your business? Well, I want to give you with Henry, the top ways that we think are useful for building your business. Number one, networking places like for N BNI, or the Chamber of Commerce, get out there and network with real people.

Number two is Twitter search. When you go onto Twitter, you’ve got the search bar on the top corner. It’s so powerful, we use it so much of the time, you can search for job titles, you can search for industries, you can search for current things people are talking about, you can find your customers, you can join their conversations, and you can add value.

Number three Facebook groups, it’s one of the best ways to find people who are interested in your subject, or local people.

Number four is conferences. Now, whatever your industry, whatever your business, your customers are going to have a conference or a festival, or there’s going to be an expo where they’re all in one place. So for us, it’s the National Housing Federation, every year, they always get together and they have a hashtag around the event. And they’re all in one place. And now if we can get in there, or we can start talking to them bigger online or in person, we can really get in front of our own customers, we can find new ones, we can network our way around it. And we can really start to find those new customers and make some more business.

Number five is public speaking, if you can get out there and talk in front of a group, it immediately puts you as the expert within your subject. So get out there and find places that you can talk to customers. Number six

is a little bit more old school. Now nowadays, everybody sends texts, they send emails, they send tweets, and all that kind of online stuff. Number six is writing letters. Now this is going to be quite alien to a lot of young people, I don’t think I’ve ever written a letter in my life. But what Alan and Simon have tend to tend to do, sometimes we’ll send loads of letters to some people. So we’ll go on to LinkedIn, we’ll find the people that we want to find be that CEO of a housing association, you know, you can find whoever your customer is, let’s find their address, let’s write them a letter, send them something physical, because there’s a little bit more meaning in that. And that’ll stand out more than everybody else in your industry.

Number seven, go old school, find out where your customers hang out and go and hand out flyers, whether that’s a local community centre, at a restaurant at a pub in the street, if you know they’re hanging out in a geographical location at the train centre. If you want business people go hand out flyers. Number eight is one of my favourites, actually, it’s guest blogging. Now,

we talk a lot about writing your own blogs and keeping your customers up to date with it and doing writing articles that people are going to find you online. If you find somebody that’s got a similar audience to you, and write a blog for them, you get in front of their audience, and you can bring them back to your website and you can really start you can get the leverage everybody else’s audience. That’s a really powerful way of finding some more customers.

Number nine, find out the magazine that the customers you want to reach Read and Write an article for them, get in touch, tell them you want to create content for them and write an article for them. That then puts you in front of your audience or your customers as the xpect. And number

10. Is referrals. Speak to your existing customers speak to existing clients and get them to refer you to other people? Who else do they know that need your services? How can you sell to more customers through your existing ones really leverage your network?

There are so many different ways that you can build and grow your business so many different ways. But the most important thing is

those zero days. Absolutely no zero days. If you can do something every single day to further your business. You’re going to succeed straight away.

Whatever it is, you’re doing any of those top 10 lists you just need to do something every single day. If you take one small step every single day, you will make progress, your business will grow and you will start to win customers.