How to Add a PayPal Cart to Your Website

Henry returns for Season 2 of Website Wednesday answering your questions and giving you tips and tutorials. Today he shows you how to add a PayPal Cart to your website so you can sell multiple products at once.

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Good morning. Today we are going to be doing PayPal shopping cart buttons. So in the last series of website Wednesday, which was ages ago, and I missed them, they were brilliant. Last time, I showed you how to add a Buy Now button from PayPal onto a website, predominately the weebly website. But this will work for any type of website, which is lovely. We showed you how to add a Buy Now button, which allow people to click on your products on your website and buy it straight away through PayPal without having to invest in a massive e commerce plugin for your website, which a complete waste of time when you’re testing, the thing I didn’t show you was that you can actually create PayPal shopping carts, which are a completely different thing still allow you to do the same and sell your products, but they allow you to sell more of them at once, which might be quite cool. So let’s get into that. So as you can see, on this lovely website, Wednesday’s website that we built quite a while ago, I’ve got the Buy Now button where you can actually buy me and I’ve got a quote, If you don’t add a PayPal button to your website, I’m going to kick you in the neck. All right. Because I didn’t do that, I’m going to add a shopping cart button. And what this is allow us to do is actually add multiple products to our shopping cart, or to a shopping cart on paper. And then they can buy all of them at once and give you a lump of cash rather than buying loads of individual things and having loads of different orders. So when we do that is we go on to PayPal. And remember, you first have the last video, you can go back, you go into your PayPal account, that should already be upgraded to a business account, which is free, go into all tools. And you can find at the top bar and then you scroll all the way down to find PayPal buttons. Now you open that tool, and that should take you straight through to where you can find all the buttons and stuff. Now it gives us all the buttons that we’ve got here. Now what is actually going to do is it wants us to create the initial product buttons first. So if we click on Create New button, it’s going to take us straight through straight through to this thing. And you’ll actually see that initially, it starts us on a shopping cart button. So what we did last time as we click the Buy Now button, this time we want a shopping cart. There are many other different types there are quite self explanatory. All of them used for taking money from customers or being able to be given money by customers. So we’re going to have a shopping cart, and it works exactly the same way. So we’re going to add the product name, which is going to be Henry website, Lord bison ID might be hen 2017. How much am I worth? One merely No. Okay, we’ll just go for a tenner. Cool, and then we can add the dropdowns. Again, like we did last time. So we might want to add a drop down with pricing option. So this might be T shirt. So if you want to buy me with a Deadpool t shirt like this one, you can and it still cost you 10 pounds. Or you could buy me with a Superman t shirt. So we click done on that. And now what that’s done, as you can see here and the customer view, that is actually added the drop down to the button, so we can change which kind of T shirt that I’m going to be married, because we can charge postage, so shipping human beings probably quite a lot. So we got a 50 quid. And there we go. That’s pretty much how you do it. So we create the button, then PayPal is going to give us all of the code that we need to be able to do it. So we go down here again, we copy that, there we go back into Weebly exactly the same as we did last time we drag the embedded code over. So I’m going to put that next to this other button. So we go where the blue line is. Drop that in. Click to set, Edit, Paste. And now we are putting another PayPal button. Now this time, it’s an Add to Cart button. And I’ll show you what that does. So I’m going to publish the website straight onto there. Now I’m going to show you the difference between the Buy Now button and the Shopping Cart button because there is a subtle difference. By subtle, I mean completely massively different. So the Buy Now button, if we click on that, that takes us straight through to PayPal, where you can pay up front for that one thing that you’re buying facet done sorted. And then people will either pay with their paypal account or they’ll create a guest account and pay through with card or whatever. So it’s quite cool. You can take Amex that allows us to login. I’m going to try not to give myself 799 which I price was as low as nine. What this allows us to do is go through Pay with card etc, etc, etc. So we’re back on our website Wednesday’s website. Now I’m going to do the add to cart one instead. So I’ll click on that I can choose I’m going to have the Deadpool T shirts and is about to change. And now as you can see,

is added. It looks slightly different. It doesn’t go straight to where they can pay for the stuff actually takes you to a shop cart style thing. And it’s actually built up. Apparently I’ve got white chocolate on my shopping cart already on paper. So you can actually see that we’ve got the item name with the item number, the price totals up and with postage. So if you’ve got multiple different products on your website, you can, people can go through your website and click this Add to Cart button. And it will actually add all of them into one thing, and they can pay you all at once for everything. Now, I think it probably merged postage, so it will charge you 50 quid postage flat, if you bought three of this, then they can check out paper tickets, because that is how you add a shopping cart button. And that is the main difference. Now the one bit I would add to this is that you can actually put a View Cart button as well. So when you’re at this part, we’ll go back to PayPal, when you’re at this part where it gives you the code. If you scroll down to the bottom, you’ll see it says Create View Cart button. So now we can just do this, it gives you very, very few options. We just want the paper button unless you want to upload your imagery that gives you new code copy that same as always, we’re going to Weebly and we copy the code. So we drop an embedded code thing, and it pastes click off of that. And then you’ll see that it’s given us a view cart button instead. And what that allows people to do is actually see their shopping cart and see what they’ve actually got in it. So I’ll click on that now. Which refresh remember to refresh the cart button click on that they get it shows us what is in our shopping cart currently. So these are two very cool buttons, especially if you’ve got loads of products on your website, I wouldn’t suggest using the shopping cart function if you are a service, or you only sell one big bespoke product. You know, if you’ve got say, knitwear or a bakery, where you want to make loads of cakes, people, people can order stuff, use the shopping cart, get them to order as much as they possibly can at once because the more you get at once, the cheaper it’s going to be for you in terms of PayPal fees, and all that sort of stuff. But as well you know that you’ve got more money and you don’t have to wait to sell one thing at a time. Whereas if you are a service, so if you’re selling counselling, or if you’re selling any kind of service gardening service, it’d be cool to just have the one PayPal thing of I want you to come and cut my grass. It’s this much PayPal done. Then you can organise when you’re going to go and do that is how you add a shopping cart button to PayPal. So next week, we’re going to keep with the Weebly stuff, and I’m actually going to show you how to change your theme in Weebly, which is really easy can be really useful. I’m going to show you what people think the dangers are of that and how we can avoid them. See you next week.