Balancing Life and Business at Christmas

It’s the holidays. Time to spend time with family and friends. But what about your Business. In this festive PopUp Alan addresses how you can go about finding the balance between Christmas and your Business.

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Happy Christmas, I have two messages for you today that actually conflict. So it’s going to be quite an interesting one. And I would love to know your thoughts on that. First, it’s Christmas time, the Christmas music is playing the mince pies are coming out, Brandy butters getting made. It’s like the most amazing time of year. And my first message for you is one of balance. As an entrepreneur, sometimes you get sucked into what you’re doing. You throw everything you’ve got at your business, and you spend all the time you’ve got working. But this time of year, it’s all about balance, and time with your family time with your friends and the festive season. So my first thought to you is when you finishing for the Christmas break, how long are you going to have off? And how are you balancing what you’re doing with your business, with your family and your other commitments. And my second thought for you is a realisation I had recently while speaking to a friend who works at a very large corporate business with a retail arm that 70% of their business is done in this quarter. With Christmas with Black Friday with all of those elements. A huge chunk of what they sell every year is done in this quarter. So there’s a massive opportunity the last few days before Christmas, to sell those last minute Christmas presents. And then obviously you’ve got the January sales where a massive amount of money comes into play. So what can you put online? What can you put in front of your audience? What can you put in your shops that you can sell. And you can see why I said this is a video of conflict. You’ve got the conflict of time off over Christmas time with your family and your friends, but also the opportunity to be able to sell to the people that are out there the opportunity to take advantage of Christmas and January to grow your business. So how do you balance the two? And where are you going to put your focus? So that’s our Christmas message, sell, sell, sell, and make sure you take some time off with the family.