Starting a business for free


We have worked over 100 organisations in seven countries, with our main base in the UK. Our allies and partners are a mix of Councils, housing associations, private, public and third sector organisations.

Councils, Local Authorities and Public Sector

With the decimation of the high street and the pace of change in our economy, forward-thinking councils are looking for fresh approaches that are people-led, grassroots and have real social, economic and community impact to form part of an inclusive business support offer fit for the 21st century.

This model works and delivers positive results for the local economy and turns around the lives of those who complete the course.
John Bryson
Welfare, Employment and Skills Programme Manager, Barnet Borough Council
The programs they deliver are innovative and exciting – and most importantly accessible, no matter what your age or background. The results from the first two-week course, organized with partners at DWP and Hammerson, spoke for themselves.
Nigel Horton Baker
Executive Director, Reading UK CIC
Westminster City Council chooses to work with Rebel Business School as they provide business training like no other company out there.
David Wilkins
Strategic Manager Business & Enterprise, Westminster City Council

We love working with people who want to make a difference. If you work for an organisation that wants to have impact, we’d love to hear from you

Housing Associations

Social housing providers have a unique relationship with their tenants and many across the UK are looking for innovative approaches to support their residents as part of community engagement, employability and tenant sustainability strategies. Our impact helps our housing association partners to engage their residents, help them start businesses and deliver outstanding results against social value measures.

When I looked around Bolton for organisations or services that helped people start up businesses I was struck by how old-fashioned and one-dimensional these support networks were. A lot of them relied on our customers writing a business plan which definitely did not meet the needs of many of our customers.

Rebel has a very different approach which is much more accessible to our customers and I liked their very direct approach. I particularly loved the way they gave people the confidence to feel like this is something they could do…and then showed them how to do it.
Tony Cottam
Head of Employability and Enterprise, Bolton at Home
They are different to anything else that is on offer, and the unique format of the event is what most appealed to us. The number of people who are attended the event and the fantastic feedback we received, certainly vindicated our decision to host Pop Up in Swansea.
Rob Morgan
Employability and Skills Officer, Coastal Housing

We love working with people who want to make a difference. If you work for an organisation that wants to have impact, we’d love to hear from you

Private Sector

Delivering social impact is a key part of responsible business and our corporate partners work with us to have social impact in communities that are important to them, embed our offer into large-scale bids for public sector contracts and strategic relationships with public sector partners.

We love working with people who want to make a difference. If you work for an organisation that wants to have impact, we’d love to hear from you


We have worked with a number of universities delivering keynote sessions to students, running business bootcamps for undergraduates and alumni and running masterclasses for executive MBA students. As the need for students to leave education with business and enterprise skills, universities are beginning to realise that the debt-based start-up model and courting investors is setting their students up to fail and our debt-free and practical methodology can empower their students to get going quickly.

We have received the Rebel Business School program and have seen their unique, innovative and creative methodology in action which has had a positive impact in our community.
Jurek Sikorski
Executive Director Henley Business School Centre for Entrepreneurship

We love working with people who want to make a difference. If you work for an organisation that wants to have impact, we’d love to hear from you

Third Sector

We are increasingly working with third sector organisations to delver high impact community enterprise programs.

Our thanks to following partners who have had impact on their communities and audiences:

Baker Motor Company

Barnet Council

Big Lottery Fund


Bolton at Home

Bridgend County Borough Council

Bristol Council


Camden Council

Cardiff Council

Cherwell District Council

Clarion Housing

CLLD Funded Project

Coastal Housing

Croydon Council

DBL Trading


Doncaster Council

Dover Big Local

Dover Town Council

Ealing Council

East Hampshire District Council

Eastleigh Borough Council

Family Housing

Faringdon Chamber of Commerce

Faringdon Town Council Fife Council

First Choice Homes Oldham

Flintshire County Council

Golding Homes

Great Places Housing Group

Guildford Borough Council

Guinness Partnership


Havant Borough Council

Henley Business School

Hounslow Council

Houston Housing Authority


Shumaker, Loop, & Kendrick LLP



Increase Valorisation Sociale


Isle of Wight Council

K&C Foundation

Leeds City Council


London Borough of Tower Hamlets

Medical University of South Carolina


Places for People

Platform for Good



Portsmouth City Council

RBKC (Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea)

Red Kite Community Housing


Search Homeless Services

Sheffield Council

Memorial Assistance Ministries

Milton Keynes Council

New Forest District Council

New Hope Housing

North Wales Regional Skills Partnership


Oldham Council

Oldham Enterprise Trust




Oxford City Council

OxLEP Business


Slough Council

Soha Housing


South & Vale Business Support

South & Vale District Council

South Hams District Council

South Oxfordshire Council

South Oxfordshire District



South Yorkshire Housing Association

Southampton Council

Southern Housing

Southern Housing Group


Stratford-on-Avon District Council

Surrey Heath Borough Council

Swale Borough Council

Swansea Council

Test Valley Borough Council

The City of Charleston

Torfaen County Borough Council

Town & Country

Town & Country Housing

Town and Country

Turning Point (DAWS)

Vale 4 Business

 Vale of White Horse District Council

Venture House

Victoria Leeds


West Devon Borough Council

West Kent Housing

West Oxfordshire District Council

Westminster City Council


Wrexham County Borough Council

Yarlington Housing

York & North Yorkshire Growth Hub

Your Housing Group